Latest Update On NYSC camp requirements 2025 Both Compulsory And Non Compulsory Items: This post will focus on Things needed for NYSC camp and also Things that are not allowed in NYSC camp 2025 orientation programme.
There are some important things or items you should take to NYSC camp if you are going for the orientation course. Every year, the authorities of the National Youth Service Corps mobilize graduates of Nigerian tertiary institutions in batches to serve the Nation. The NYSC year starts with a camping or orientation programme of 3 weeks where you are prepared and “conditioned” for the service year.
Are you getting ready to go for NYSC camp? Before you are in a hurry to get going, there are some essential NYSC camp requirements which you should know and get.
When going to the NYSC camp, there are several items you need to take along, in order to enjoy the 3 weeks. Many of the NYSC orientation camps in Nigeria are nothing to write home about.
Recommended Links:
JAMB Matriculation List For NYSC Mobilization See How To Check Yours Here
NYSC Senate Mobilization List Approved For All Institutions In Nigeria
NYSC Mobilization TimeTable/Calendar Schedule For Prospective Corps Members
Moreover, the worst thing any corps member can do is to arrive at camp and discover that they have left behind some important documents that might hinder their registration. all the information regarding it has been detailed below
NYSC Camp Requirements (Compulsory) For Registration
The documents below are Compulsory (If you arrive in the NYSC camp with none of them, you will not be registered by the camp officials)
1. Final year ID card
You need to go with the original and two (2) photocopies. To get a ‘final year ID card’, go to the Directorate of Students’ Affairs in your school, and a request for one. NYSC also accepts School ID Card instead of final year ID card. But will not accept departmental ID card.
2. Statement of result (B. SC or HND)
You need to go with the original and four (4) photocopies of your Degree or HND statement of result. If you have the original certificate itself, better. But if you don’t, just go with the statement of result.
If you do not have your statement of result, do not go to the NYSC camp. For foreign-trained graduates, you must present the original certificate itself.
Besides that, persons who graduated from Polytechnic within Nigeria should go with both ND and HND statement of results.
Medical Doctors, Pharmacists, Optometrists or other medical professions, should go to the camp along with the original of registration certificate with the Nigerian Medical Council, Pharmacist Board or Optometrist Registration Council and evidence of completion of houseman-ship or internship.
3. NYSC Call-up letter
Never forget your call-up letter! You need to go with the original and four (4) photocopies. NYSC will send this letter to you a few days after online registration.
Please, DO NOT laminate your call-up letter because NYSC will reject a laminated copy.
4. NYSC Green card
Please, do not forget your Green Card. Go with the original and four (4) photocopies. Green Card is the online print-out slip after NYSC online registration. Also, Do NOT laminate it!
Note: the Green Card and call-up letter are to be printed out in coloured.
5. Recent passport photograph
Please, go with eight (8) copies. The background colour should be white or off-white. Don’t listen to anyone that says you should go with over eight copies.
6. Medical Certificate of Fitness
Go with two (2) copies of a medical certificate of fitness got from any government hospital or military clinic in Nigeria.
7. Uploaded Documents
Foreign-trained graduates should go to the camp with the original of all documents they uploaded during online registration.
If there is any changes on NYSC Compulsory Requirements for 2021 orientation programme we’d let you know.
Items You Should Take To NYSC Camp [Personal Needs]
Things listed below are not compulsorily needed in NYSC camp but they are essential for personal comforts. If you want to enjoy NYSC camp, consider going to camp with things listed below;
1. White round-necked T-shirts
This outfit is worn every day throughout the 21-days stay in the NYSC camp. NYSC will give you only 2, but these two are of poor quality and may not size you. Also, you may not enjoy wearing only 2 shirts for 3 weeks in the camp that you will stay in camp.
2. White Shorts
NYSC will also give you 2 pairs of shorts, but poor quality and may not size you. You need like extra pairs so as not to be stranded if it tears.
3. White tennis Shoes & White Socks
NYSC will provide this, but you should get an extra one pair for yourself.
4. Tea or beverages
This is very important for those who would not like the camp watery tea. Some people collect camp tea and then add some spoons from their tea to make it tick.
5. Toiletries
Antiseptics, insecticides, towel, sanitary pads, pampas, etc. These are essential to help protect you from infections and skin infections.
6. Mosquitoes Net is very important in NYSC camp
This is very important, I know you wouldn’t like to go to the camp and fall sick. Mosquitoes net will protect you from mosquitoes and other camp insects. Take one net with you and rope to tie it to your bunk.
7. You need Some cash in NYSC camp
You need to go to the camp with some cash, there are too many things that cost money in the camp. Things like food, charging phones, taking pictures, laundries, etc.
Also, go with at least N20,000, and also with your ATM card, because there are ATMs in some camp.
8. Torchlight in NYSC camp
Don’t say you will use your phone touch! Torchlight is important; make sure you buy rechargeable ones.
9. You will need Waist Pouch in NYSC camp
Waste bag or pouch is essential. This will serve as your money keeper, and also as a locker for important items such as phones, money, ID card, keys, ATM cards, and more.
10. Padlocks are Important in NYSC camp
You need a padlock to lock your boxes and bags to prevent camp thieves from gaining access to your properties.
Many people lose many valuable things to the NYSC camp thieves. I know you wouldn’t want to fall a victim.
11. Your Phone and Power Bank
This is important for communication. If you don’t have a power bank or cell phone, please get one.
12. Other Essential Things Needed in NYSC camp
You can buy other things like bedsheets, pillow, bucket and other big things from mammy market (camp market) to avoid overloading yourself. You can also check the list of things not allowed in NYSC camp.
We advise you to bookmark this page and always check here for more updates on Things needed for NYSC camp 2021 [Personal Needs]
Check out: NYSC Orientation Course Timetable Schedule For Prospective Corps Members
Prospective Corps Members should also take note of the items not allowed in the camp.
Items Not Allowed in NYSC Camp
NYSC (Corps) Members need to know that those in charge of training corps members in the camp are Soldiers, Man ‘O’ war and NYSC officials.
Because of the presence of soldiers, there are things that Corps members are prohibited from taking to camp. The items below are the list of items not allowed in NYSC camp. And any defaulters, the soldiers will seize it or decamp you.
1. Television Set
Please, don’t try to bring television to the NYSC camp or you will explain to soldiers what you want to do with it.
2. Pets/Animal
On no account should you bring an animal to the camp. Pets such as dog, cat, snake, and so on are not allowed in NYSC camp.
3. Pressing Iron
NYSC camp is not a boarding or school hostel where you may use pressing iron. Please, DO NOT show up with a pressing iron. You can pay dry cleaners at Mammy market to iron for you if you can wear romp clothes.
4. Boiling Ring
Whether it is called heater or boiler, please DO NOT bring them to the orientation camp for your good.
5. Cars/Vehicle
People from rich family may think of coming to camp with cars maybe to impress soldiers or to show themselves. Corps members are not allowed to bring their cars to the camp.
6. Motorbike
Those of you that are commercial motorcyclists (Okada men) may want to continue their okada business from camp. Please, don’t try it. After camp, you can continue with your business.
7. Bicycle
So, if I don’t tell you bicycle is not allowed you won’t know? Soldiers will throw you outside the camp the moment they catch you with a bicycle.
8. Mattress/Foam
This is no offence though, but since NYSC will provide a mattress for you, no need to overload yourself.
9. Cutlers
Things like tin cutters, nail cutter, pliers, and so on are not allowed in camp.
10. Big Luggage
If your luggage is very big, camp soldiers will be like, “Omo see this otondo, ordinary 3-week stay, him dey come with him papa house”. Please, don’t overload yourself for no reason.
11. Laptop
Yahoo boys would always travel with their laptops to keep contact with their clients. Please, a laptop is not allowed in camp. And if you are a yahoo boy, NYSC will arrest and hand you over to EFCC.
12. Suite Case
If you must go camping with a suitcase, please go with small sizeable ones to avoid embarrassment.
13. Mirrors
Slay queens be careful, the camp is not a place to slay. Mirrors are not allowed in the camp. If you must come with a mirror, go with small sizeable ones that you cab hide from soldiers.
14. Extension Socket
I know it’s charging phones that will make you think about taking this to camp. Please, don’t come with an extension.
15. Knife
All this ‘Aboki’ that like carrying daggers may find it difficult to travel without wielding a dagger. Please don’t bring your dagger to camp, we take God to beg you.
16. Bluetooth Speaker
Someone once asked me, please can I go camping with my Bluetooth speaker? If you try it, soldiers will seize it right at the camp entrance.
17. Gas Cylinder/Stove
To do what if I may ask? You don’t need to cook anything, NYSC will take care of your food. If you bring a gas cylinder or stove to camp, soldiers will thank you for buying a gift for them because they will seize it.
18. Food Stuff
Well, you can buy it to gift NYSC kitchen staff because Corps members are not allowed to cook personal food in camp.
19. Bombs
It is only a Boko haram member that will think of this one. Please, don’t come to camp with an explosive device or you face the full wrath of the Nigerian Army.
20. Condom
Maybe you have been misinformed that NYSC camp is a brothel where you have $exual int*course. Well, you can come with it but make sure you don’t use it. If you do, only God knows what soldiers will do to you.
N/B: We will keep you updated on Things not allowed in NYSC Camp for the 2021 orientation programme
Note: Some of the things not allowed in NYSC camp as mentioned above are rather strictly out of bounds or you may be looking for trouble from the officials.
Thanks for reading updates on NYSC camp requirements 2025 Both [Compulsory And Non Compulsory Items].
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